Return Policy works hard to ensure that all our products are printed to high-quality standards & shipped on time and accurately.

First of all, if you would like to request cancel, replacement or refund for any reasons, please contact us at and following our guide.

Because your purchase is custom printed exclusively for you, it will only qualify for replacement, return or refund if: (I) the product itself is flawed, (II) the quality of the printing is poor, or (III) the final product is notably different from the product presented on the order screen.

If your purchase meets the above criteria, contact us as soon as possible, preferably no later than 14 days after the delivery date, including:

  • Your order number and the email address you registered on the shipping information.
  • Photo(s) of the affected items(s). Please include a photo of the whole item and any other photos that may help identify the issue.


If your claim is approved, we will request a replacement or issue a refund. Qualified refunds are processed immediately but may take 5-10 business days to appear on your statement, depending on your payment method.

If we request item(s) to be returned to us, we will send the qualified refund or replacement to you after receiving the return. Customers are responsible for shipping costs on returns. Shipping, handling, taxes, and any additional service costs are nonrefundable.

To qualify for a return or refund, your item must be unused and in perfect condition. Unqualified returns will not be eligible for a refund or replacement, and the item will be forfeited.